Our noble Messenger, Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: “Women are the sisters of men. None honors them except the honorable, and none humiliates them except the ignoble.”
The Women’s Empowerment Unit at the Maysan Engineering Technical College organized a celebration on the occasion of Women’s Day in the Continuing Education Hall, attended by a number of the college’s female employees.
All female employees within the college were honored by the head of the Women’s Empowerment Unit, M.E. Zainab Faraj Karim, for their distinguished role during the past period. She praised their heroic struggle within their families and society, praising them for teaching the world this struggle despite the harsh circumstances experienced by our beloved Iraq.
In conclusion, several success stories were presented, highlighting the difficult circumstances women have faced, which will not give them any hope of achieving success.