A Southern Technical University delegation visits the Engineering Technical College in Misan.

Murtada AlHelfy/ College Media

A delegation from the Southern Technical University, headed by Prof. Dr. Alaa Farid Abdel-Ahad, Assistant President of the Southern Technical University for Scientific Affairs, and the membership of Dr. Iyad Abdel-Khaleq Yahya, Head of the Scientific Affairs Department, and Mr. Mahmoud Kattouf Soueif, Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Presidency of the University, visited the Technical College of Engineering in Misan, and they and were greeted by Dean’s Assistant, Dr. Jawad Jayoul Saadoun, and Heads of Departments, Dr. Wael Hussein Zayer and Dr. Nizar Hassan.

Where the Assistant President of the University and the accompanying delegation met with some students.

He expressed the role of the engineer in society

The architect has great importance in society, it serves as the bedrock for building any society as well as identifying important points of serenity.

The engineer must have mental skills and intelligence and must have intuitive speed. So the engineer must take into account his conscience in his work, and not heed his personal interests. The engineer must take advantage of all available resources and capabilities. Be able to solve problems and find appropriate solutions to find important decisions. and be able to operate under any pressure

The Assistant Brigadier also gave the visiting delegation a full explanation of the plans and actions taken by the College in preparation for the current academic year 2022/2023 as well as the development of infrastructure in order to provide the best for students, the delegation also commended the efforts made by the Deanship of the College in all its cadres in the field of college development


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