The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Engineering Technical College in Maysan organizes an educational symposium on illegal immigration

College media/

The Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the Engineering Technical College in Maysan organizes an educational symposium on illegal immigration in the presence of members and students of the college. The symposium, in which assistant teacher Zainab Faraj Karim lectured, touched on several topics, including the legal framework in confronting illegal immigration, the social dimensions, the economic dimensions, and the dangers of illegal immigration. legitimacy

The symposium aimed to introduce young people to the concept of illegal immigration and the effects and damages resulting from illegal immigration in economic, health and psychological terms and the extent of its negative impact on the individual and society and to contribute to the formation of national identity and support the values of loyalty and belonging to the homeland as it contributes to the formation of the personality of a good and integrated citizen who has a sense of With national responsibility.

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