The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the Technical College of Engineering, Maysan, organizes a scientific workshop entitled Protecting Electrical Power Systems

College media/

The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit at the College of Engineering Technology, Maysan, organizes a scientific workshop entitled Protecting Electrical Power Systems, in the presence of a number of students from the Electromechanical Technology Engineering Department.
The workshop, in which the Head of the Electromechanical Technology Engineering Department, Dr. Ahmed Thamer Radi, and Engineer Mortada Muhammad Al-Halafi, lectured, aimed to define the basics of protecting electrical power systems for the continuity of electrical current in electrical networks and institutions.
The workshop touched on several topics, including malfunctions in the electrical power system, how to avoid these malfunctions, the protective elements used for that, and the importance of occupational safety during work.

The workshop came up with several recommendations, including the importance of maintaining the electrical power system, following proper methods when electrical malfunctions occur, and emphasizing the necessity of occupational safety while working.

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